A specialist service supporting the development of professionals in Somerset. We are here to reduce the negative impact of child sexual abuse (CSA) on the lives of children and families living in Somerset
Get in TouchUseful Links
Offers a helpline service (for numbers and operating times see contact page). SARSAS has also developed some self-help guides on sexual abuse.
http://www.sarsas.org.ukAvon and Somerset Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) provides crisis intervention and support to help collect evidence that sexual abuse has occurred. It has a 24-hour phone line and a separate friends and family service.
https://www.thebridgecanhelp.org.ukProvides independent sexual violence advisors. This includes advocacy and support when reporting to the police and going to court.
http://safelinksupport.co.ukFor more information about sexual violence services available in the South West, visit:
http://www.survivorpathway.org.ukThe Green House are based in Bristol and provide free specialist counselling / therapy and support for any children or young people who have experienced sexual abuse
https://the-green-house.org.ukProvide 1:1 mental health and emotional health support
https://www.youngsomerset.org.uk/This is the local domestic abuse support service.
http://www.somersetsurvivors.org.uk/somerset-integrated-domestic-abuse-service/Public health website designed to support parents and carers to find the information they need to help them with all aspects of parenting
https://www.cypsomersethealth.org/parent_and_carer_toolkitGreat resources on lots of issues to do with mental health and emotional wellbeing
https://www.cypsomersethealth.org/mental_health_toolkitCounselling and workshops relating to various life issues, such as relationships and self-harm
http://somewherehousesomerset.orgWeekly drop-in centre in Cheddar (for young people 8-15 years). See website for registration form to send in before your first session.
https://www.thespacesomerset.org.uk/our-services/youth-activities/Offers general practical and emotional support through 1:1 sessions and a 24-hour helpline. Email: Bereaved@mindinsomerset.org.uk
https://www.mindinsomerset.org.uk/our-services/somerset-suicide-bereavement-support-service/Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association (offers support to young people aged 16-25 in the four key colleges across Somerset)
https://www.swedauk.orgYouth Support Service for LGBTQ+ young people aged 13-25 in Somerset
https://www.2bu-somerset.co.ukYou-th Space; a free counselling service in Frome for 15-18 year olds
https://wessexcp.co.uk/youthspace.phppreventing youth homelessness and enabling young people to live independently across Somerset
https://www.p2i.org.ukVarious groups and services, including a Youth Drop-in Café, Mondays 6:30-8pm (booking essential)
http://balsamcentre.org.uk/Open Wednesday (1pm-6.30pm) & Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (10am-2pm)
Alternative education solutions for individuals and groups of young people in Somerset.
http://reachyouth.co.uk/A book club & community dedicated to self-help & self-development.
https://www.shelfhelp.club/Mindline Emotional support helpline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mindline is a confidential listening service which provides a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress.
https://www.mindinsomerset.org.uk/our-services/adult-one-to-one-support/mindline/Teams up police and victim support organisations, who work together to guide, advise and support victims and witnesses of crime.
https://www.lighthousevictimcare.orgFacilitates recovery for children and young people as they process trauma, as well as providing training for professionals.
http://www.trc-uk.orgHas useful resources to support children affected by child sexual abuse. It also provides helpful definitions of sexual abuse.
https://www.csacentre.org.uk/Provides information about rape and sexual abuse. 24/7 helpline available.
https://rapecrisis.org.ukOffers a national helpline for parents and carers of children who’ve been sexually abused.
https://westand.org.uk/This is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. They are able to contact a counsellor to talk about any issue.
https://www.childline.org.ukAn independent charity supporting people who’ve been affected by a crime or traumatic event. It aims to help people feel safer and find the strength to move forward after a crime.
https://www.victimsupport.org.ukThe UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Parents' helpline available (see number below).
https://youngminds.org.ukThe Truth Project was set up for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experiences in a supportive and confidential setting.
https://www.truthproject.org.uk/i-will-be-heardThe UKS leading support and advice service for under 25’s on a whole range of topics
http://www.themix.org.ukSupport, information and advice around mental health
https://www.charliewaller.org/Mental Health charity started by the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry
https://www.headstogether.org.uk/An anti-stigma campaign run by the mental health charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness
https://www.mind.org.uk/news-campaigns/campaigns/time-to-change/An organisation promoting happiness and wellbeing
http://www.actionforhappiness.orgA self-help guide for dealing with anxiety
https://www.mindmate.org.uk/resources/anxiety-mood-juice-self-help-guide/A national project dedicated to supporting young people aged 11-19 impacted by self-harm
https://www.selfharm.co.ukSupport for all who experience self-injury, with a particular focus on women and girls
https://www.selfinjurysupport.org.ukWell researched and reliable information about mental health
https://www.rcpsych.ac.ukAimed at university students but a useful resource for all young people nonetheless
https://www.studentsagainstdepression.orgBeating eating disorders – information on all aspects of eating disorders
https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.ukLots of downloadable booklets available around self-help, looking after mental health, managing stress & anxiety, well-being in the workplace, healthy living & advice on self-harm
https://www.mentalhealth.org.ukCrisis Text Line (FREE on all major mobile networks) - 85258 24/7 support for anyone struggling or in a state of crisis at any time, from anywhere.
https://giveusashout.org/On My Mind aims to empower young people to make informed choices about their mental health & wellbeing.
http://www.OnMyMind.infoEvery Mind Matters is here to help you manage and maintain your mental health, as good mental health makes such a difference. It helps us to relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.
https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/2 day training course that teaches people how to intervene when someone is suicidal
https://www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/asist_suicide_intervention_skills_training_course.htmlEmotional literacy resources available for download and purchase, aimed at anyone working with children
http://www.elsa-support.co.uk/A curriculum to help schools develop resilient children who celebrate themselves and others, build positive relationships and thrive
http://myhappymind.org/A learning programme for teachers and pupils based on positive psychology and mindfulness
https://mindup.org/Internationally recognised programme offering Mental Health First aid training courses
https://mhfaengland.org/Aims to improve teenage mental health issues at an early stage; has some excellent information for schools
https://stem4.org.uk/UK's largest supplier of social, emotional, behavioural, mental health and well-being resources
https://incentiveplus.co.uk/Government guidance to schools on supporting pupils with mental health problems
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/mental-health-and-behaviour-in-schools--2by Catherine Lucas, 2003; Free to under 18s (£8 for over 18s) Aimed at helping you people move from self-harm to self-care.
https://www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk/rainbow-journalA free teaching resource aimed at students aged 14 and over.
https://www.samaritans.org/your-community/samaritans-education/deal-developing-emotional-awareness-and-listeningAn interactive online resource to guide professionals through how they can protect and support children and their families when there are concerns of sexual abuse.
https://www.csacentre.org.uk/child-sexual-abuse-response-pathway/moodgym is like an interactive self-help book which helps you to learn and practise skills which can help to prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.
https://moodgym.com.au/BoosterBuddy is a free app designed to help teens and young adults improve their mental health.
https://apps.apple.com/us/app/boosterbuddy/id906538988Meditation has been shown to help people stress less, focus more and even sleep better. Headspace is meditation made simple. We'll teach you the life-changing skills of meditation and mindfulness in just a few minutes a day.
https://www.headspace.com/headspace-meditation-appSAM is an app to help you understand and manage anxiety, depression and loneliness.
http://sam-app.org.uk/MindShift™ will help you learn how to relax, develop more helpful ways of thinking, and identify active steps that will help you take charge of your anxiety.
https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/mindshift-cbt-anxiety-relief/id634684825Feeling sad or depressed? Lift your mood with MoodTools for free.
http://www.moodtools.org/Smiling Mind is a non-for-profit web and app-based meditation program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring mindfulness into your life.
https://www.smilingmind.com.au/Barnardo's is a charity (216250 / SC037605) and a company limited by guarantee.
(61625 England - see the governing document). Registered office: Tanners Lane, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 1QG | VAT number 507477337
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